Drinking Horn Care Guide

Drinking Horn Care Guide - How-To Hacks for Vikings - Wyrdraven Blog for all things Viking - wyrdraven.co.uk

So, you purchased a shiny new drinking horn or horn mug/cup but forgot to ask for the Drinking Horn Care Guide. You’ve trawled the net but found so many opinions your brain is leaking out of your ears.

Worry not! Stu from Wyrdraven is here to answer the most commonly asked questions and put a stop to said trepidation.

Is this a real drinking horn?

Firstly, here at Wyrdraven all of our drinking horns are ethically sourced and by-products of the food industry.

And YES, they are made from real cattle horn. Each one being recycled and repurposed using centuries old Viking traditions. (However, sometimes I tell children they are from Unicorns.)

How do I clean my drinking horn?

DO NOT put your drinking horn in the dishwasher! After use, simply wash it by hand with warm soapy water and leave it to air dry.

The use of a baby bottle brush may be used gently to clean longer horns. Store in a cool, dry place when not in use.

Can I put hot liquids in my drinking horn?

Um, nope. NO HOT LIQUIDS! That’s a big fubar. Heat or boiling water are used to mould the horn into shape (mugs and cups). Unless you fancy turning your new horn into a dripping mess, we recommend avoiding hot drinks.

Can I put fizzy drinks in it?

Ordinarily, no. Acidic liquids may affect the horn or lead to deterioration of the coating. Add at your own risk.

Are they ready to use straight away?

Hell yes! All our horns are food-safe lacquered, and highly polished. Some think they look plastic, but rest assured they are authentic. What’s more, we’ve used our supplier for over fifteen years and can count on one hand the number of times we’ve encountered an issue.

Red wines, dark ales or fruity drinks like mead may stain the horn but this is natural and not a flaw with the craftsmanship. Try not to leave liquids standing in the horn for hours. 

I’ve got a horn from another company, but it’s smelly / or broken. Can you fix it?

Nope. Not my circus, not my monkey. We receive this question all the time and if your horn smells unpleasant or is rotting, chances are it wasn’t treated properly to begin with. We suggest you contact your supplier for more specific advice or try to exchange it for a new one. As for us waving a magic wand and fixing it – not possible.

I’ve seen them cheaper online.

To put it bluntly, you get what you pay for. With the rise of interest in drinking horns, there has been an influx of businesses importing inferior products just to make a quick buck.

At Wyrdraven, we strive to supply you with authentic, high-quality products at competitive prices.

As previously mentioned, we’ve been using our drinking horn supplier for over fifteen years. So, we’re confident you’ll receive exactly what you pay for and end up a happy customer!

Where can I purchase an awesome drinking horn?

Here at Wyrdraven! Check out our Horn Products and Accessories category or view some of our featured products below.

Drinking Horn Care Guide Conclusion

Well, there you have it. A simple and straight-to-the-point Drinking Horn Care Guide. It isn’t rocket science, but sometimes it’s nice to see it in print.

Have more questions? Head to our FAQs page or Contact Us now. We’d be honoured to help you pick the perfect drinking horn or answer any of your queries.

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