Indoor Market to Bricks and Mortar Store
Wyrdraven, formerly known as Shieldmaiden, all started with a single table of Viking goods at the weekly indoor market. held every Tuesday in Glastonbury. One table quickly turned in to 2 and then 3 and three years later – after a big leap of faith — Fiona, the managing director, finally placed the deposit for the very first bricks and mortar store at 7 Benedict St in Glastonbury, where they still remain today.
After a year of Fiona mainly running the shop alone with help from her husband Stuart (Stu) at the weekends, the business quickly grew in popularity so much so that Stu had to leave his full time employment to come and work full-time at Wyrdraven.
2019 Small Business of the Year award
After four and a half years and winning the 2019 Small Business of the Year award. Two new members have now also joined the Wyrdraven family and the website has subsequently been born.
Fiona and Stu are both practising Asatruar / Heathens, and enjoy sharing their knowledge of the Norse faith and Viking era with their customers. They strive to elucidate and memorialise a faith that’s been around for thousands of years. What better way to personify a part of history, than to open a niche shop dedicated solely to Vikings. In an already well-established, world renowned spiritual haven such as Glastonbury also known as The Isle of Avalon.
Wyrdraven Products
Each product is painstakingly chosen and is either a modern interpretation or a museum replica. Based on historical finds from the Viking era. People from all over the world have travelled especially to visit the shop and improve their knowledge of an often misunderstood culture. Stu and Fiona have been invited to schools & universities, medieval fairs, festivals and many historical events to speak and share their insight into the Viking heritage or sell their wares.

Why Asatru / Heathenism?
“I’ve always had a particular affinity with the Norse faith, being from the Outer Hebrides of Scotland and where Viking history runs deep in my ancestry and heritage. Being raised on an island with strong Norse and Celtic ties, it is easy to see where my love of the Viking era comes from. Being brought up from a young age having to live a very self-sustaining lifestyle on an isolated, heather covered rock off the west coast of mainland Scotland, I guess I always followed the Heathen ways but it was only when I reached my mid 30’s that I realised there was an actual name for this path I was following and I’ve not looked back since.”
– Fiona Brogan
“Asatru means ‘True to the Gods’ and is used predominantly by the Norwegians. I prefer the term Heathen as it encompasses all northern traditions ie Norse, Anglo Saxon, etc. The indigenous belief systems of northern Europe. For me it’s part of my cultural heritage and as such I believe it to be of paramount importance. Heathenism advocates personal responsibility, courage and fortitude of character. I do not ‘bow’ nor ‘kneel’ before any God or Goddess. I stand tall and walk beside them. It teaches us to act with honoura and strive to better ourselves everyday. It is not a spiritual ‘band aid’ to cover the cracks of our weaknesses. Instead, it forces us to face them head on.”
– Stuart Brogan

Fiona aka the ‘Big Boss’, and founder of Wyrdraven is the loving mother of 3…and a half. 🐩 Where you find Fiona, you’re bound to find Poppy lurking around somewhere too. A fierce shieldmaiden, gifted artist, and also an extreme chatter box with a flair for languages. Don’t be surprised if she welcomes you in your native tongue. When she’s not working her butt off in the shop, you’ll find her at home with Stu and Poppy, curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea and a good movie.
The Man The Myth The Legend

Sadly, in the early hours of February 12th, 2024, Stu suddenly took ill and never regained consciousness. He has left a massive hole in our hearts and that of the wider community. Wyrdraven will never be the same without him but will continue on a new path going forward in his honour.
“For those who tread the path of Odin, death is not an end, but a beginning—a journey to the hall of the All father, where valour is honoured and warriors are reborn in eternal glory.”
Find out more at www.stuartrbrogan.com.
Stuart was second in command and also the face of the company—or at least he liked to think so. Handsome, sophisticated, and gifted with a sense of humour like no other, Stu was a fiercely proud Heathen who enjoyed spreading the word of the Northern Traditions. He engaged with like-minded people both in the shop and via his written words. Stuart was not only the author of “HEATHEN WARRIOR” and “HEROES OF PAGAN BRITAIN” but also several published books of dark fiction, horror, and thrillers.
Stu was the drummer and driving force behind the Pagan Doom band ‘Roots of the Old Oak,’ which launched its debut album, ‘The Devil and his Wicked Ways,’ via Hammerheart Records in September 2023. His presence was felt on stage, in the pages of his books, and in discussions about the Northern Traditions. His humour, sophistication, and undeniable charm made him a force to be reckoned with in both the Heathen community and the world of dark fiction and music.
Poppy — the infamous, original shop security canine unit — is an eleven-year-old Shipoo who thinks she is a wolf. She lies sweetly on her beanbag by the shop counter when she’s not up in the office with her other furry twin friends. Poppy doesn’t really do much when humans come instore, unless she recognises you or thinks you have a treat for her when she will welcome you with chatter. She ‘may’ make the effort to greet you with a tail wag if your lucky. If you’ve overlooked the warning signs around the shop entrance and continue to bring another dog instore or even near HER doorway, look out!! The wolf springs into action and almost strangles herself with her lead that’s tied to the counter (for this reason) sending other would-be canine visitors off with their tails between their legs. NO DOGS ALLOWED!!

Coco and Molly are two-year-old Shih Tzu twin girls, born and bred into a lucrative Welsh puppy farm but thanks to our lovely local dog rescue, they were saved from a potential cruel life of abuse and neglect or being bred from until they dropped dead. Coco and Molly along with Poppy make up the pack of the Wyrdraven Battle Hounds. Fierce little protectors and lovable little teddy bears to their friends. On days when the window display is being changed over, you can often see the Battle Hounds surveying the outside world and guarding their territory from the empty window space.
Janey is the proud daughter of Fiona and Stu and passionate about all things marketing, as well as the Managing Director of the online store. Before joining the Wyrdraven family business, she spent 3 years in Spain training herself in SEO, social media and also content creation. Now she puts all that hard work into building Wyrdraven into a successful eCommerce business. If you don’t find her pottering around on her laptop, you’ll find her with her nose in a book or singing her lungs out. Connect with her on social media or email [email protected] to collaborate.