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It has many names; Asatru ‘“ Odinism ‘“ Heathenry ‘“ Wodenism ‘“ Northern Traditions. Heathen Warrior by Stuart R Brogan uses historical references, modern psychological analysis and personal experiences. To form the basis for a voyage of discovery into the warrior ethos within the Northern Traditions.

Were the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and other Germanic tribes mindless barbarians or misunderstood spiritual journeymen? Does the Warrior have a place in modern society? And if so, how can it help you and I evolve spiritually, emotionally and physically. In an age where emphasis is placed on ‘œme’ rather than ‘œwe’. A world that puts human greed before human need. Together we will explore the warriors weapons of fortitude, humility and strength of personal will. Has the Golden Era of the ‘˜hero’ passed or do we need them now more than ever?

The author does not claim to be a historian or psychologist. Nor for that matter an ‘œexpert’, but rather a prolific human observer walking the warrior path. One who has complete belief that the gods and goddesses are looking down on us all.

Sometimes bleak, occasionally humorous but always brutally honest. Heathen Warrior is one man’s personal quest to reclaim the Northern Hero.  And drag him kicking and screaming into a world that has forgotten his worth.

Stuart represented the Northern Tradition at the 2012 Glastonbury Ceremony of Harmony & Healing in which over fifty religions came together to show the rest of the world that all faiths can live in peace. Also author of Heroes of Pagan Britain.

  • Paperback: 188 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (13 Mar. 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1508716544
  • ISBN-13: 978-1508716549
  • Product Dimensions: 15.2 x 1.1 x 22.9 cm

It has many names; Asatru ‘“ Odinism ‘“ Heathenry ‘“ Wodenism ‘“ Northern Traditions. Heathen Warrior by Stuart R Brogan uses historical references, modern psychological analysis and personal experiences. To form the basis for a voyage of discovery into the warrior ethos within the Northern Traditions.

Were the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and other Germanic tribes mindless barbarians or misunderstood spiritual journeymen? Does the Warrior have a place in modern society? And if so, how can it help you and I evolve spiritually, emotionally and physically. In an age where emphasis is placed on ‘œme’ rather than ‘œwe’. A world that puts human greed before human need. Together we will explore the warriors weapons of fortitude, humility and strength of personal will. Has the Golden Era of the ‘˜hero’ passed or do we need them now more than ever?

The author does not claim to be a historian or psychologist. Nor for that matter an ‘œexpert’, but rather a prolific human observer walking the warrior path. One who has complete belief that the gods and goddesses are looking down on us all.

Sometimes bleak, occasionally humorous but always brutally honest. Heathen Warrior is one man’s personal quest to reclaim the Northern Hero.  And drag him kicking and screaming into a world that has forgotten his worth.

Stuart represented the Northern Tradition at the 2012 Glastonbury Ceremony of Harmony & Healing in which over fifty religions came together to show the rest of the world that all faiths can live in peace. Also author of Heroes of Pagan Britain.

  • Paperback: 188 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (13 Mar. 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1508716544
  • ISBN-13: 978-1508716549
  • Product Dimensions: 15.2 x 1.1 x 22.9 cm
Weight0.259 kg
Dimensions22.9 × 15.2 × 1.1 cm


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